How do the interiors impact your mood

How do the interiors impact your mood?

The interiors may impact your mood in many ways. However, in my opinion, there are 4 main factors in the interiors that make your mood better on an exhausting day.

1. Paint Colors can impact your mood

The paint color is one of the factors in interiors that impact your mood directly and instantly when you open the door. Let’s see the two pictures below and analyze them together. 

This is a picture which is about a room with dark paint color, 

dark color paint impacts your mood
Dark color paint

And now you turn to this picture with a light paint color room, 

light color paint impacts your mood
Light color paint

As you can see, when you look at the light paint color room, it will make you more comfortable rather than the dark one. Dark colors can evoke feelings of sadness and loneliness, light colors can refresh your mind and boost your energy. Dark and light colors can impact your mood in that way. This is also the reason people usually use light color paint for their house. 

Moreover, colors can influence your state of mind by their meaning, for instance, warm colors such as red, yellow and orange will awaken higher arousal emotions like love, happiness, passion and anger. By contrast, cool colors like blue, green and purple will make you feel calm, sad and indifferent. You can learn more about color impacts on the behavior to choose the right color suiting with your house. 

To avoid monotonous in your house, you can mix two or three colors but I think you should not try to mix too many colors.

2. Furniture and furniture arrangement affect your state of mind

For furniture, you need to take care of material, color and size. First, you need to choose the material which suits the purpose of that furniture. The color should be in harmony with room color and other furniture colors and sometimes the color will cover the weakness of that furniture. And the size of the furniture has to suit the room space or the space for that furniture and convenience during usage.

Furniture and furniture arrangement impact your mood
Furniture and furniture arrangement impact your mood

For instance, If you want to choose a sofa for a white room, you can choose a fabric sofa for your comfort. However, nothing is perfect, you have to clean it regularly if you don’t want mold, dust or dust mites that are easily accumulated on the fabric sofa to affect your mood when you lie on that sofa. For color, I think the cool gray should be chosen for this sofa, the cool gray does not contrast with the white painting and it also apart covers the dust color. Finally, you should choose a suitable size with room space. If there is a lot of furniture in your room, you have to share the space logically, so the space for the sofa may be decreased for other furniture, and finally, you have to choose a smaller sofa to fit that space. the aspect of convenience for the user is also considered, you will prefer to pick a sofa that is easy to sit on and comfortable to lie on.

The way you choose furniture which I discuss above not only gives you a good experience when you use it but also gives you balance and harmony in color and space. Balance and harmony will impact positively to your mood 

3. light also impacts your emotional state

Light is one of the important elements which help you show how beautiful your room is. The light should be evenly distributed around the room. you need to avoid arranging furniture to cover the light from the window or the light. you should arrange the lights and make sure your room has just enough. If there is too much light, your eyes maybe not like it. If there is a lack of light, you will awaken sadness and boredom inside you. 

Always use a mix of overhead light, decoration lamp and table lamp and a mix of warm and cool light. Warm light will bring coziness to your room. In some cases, warm light with low intensity will be very effective when you have a snap or watch movies with your girlfriend for instance. So, I recommend you set up your warm light with an intensity controller. 

4. Space influences your feeling

You can not change the actual size of the room, but you can use paint as well as furniture arrangement to change the feeling of that room’s space. And you should consider “positive” space and “negative” space in building space feeling

These two spaces play an important role in interior design. If your room is completely filled with furniture, artwork, decor elements…, it will lead to the feeling of being stuffy and cluttered. By contrast, if there is too much negative space, it will make your room soulless and sparse. Therefore, you should balance them to create a good feeling for you. 

In conclusion, according to the information I provide you above, I hope you will understand the way interiors impact your mood. Moreover, you can apply them to your house and they maybe help your mood become better and release your stress when you come back home after an exhausting working day.

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