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wall decoration ideas for the living room
Wall decoration ideas for the living room
The living room is usually the guest reception place in your house, so it should be decorated carefully and impressively. You have a lot of things to make your living room more gorgeous such as designing the ceiling, choosing furniture and decoration elements, setting the lights and decorating the walls.Sometimes,...
positive and negative space in interior design
Positive and Negative space in interior design
Do you want to know about positive and negative space in interior design? This article will give you a general view of two types of these spaces in interior design. Positive and negative space in interior design In interior design, positive space is an area or space that is occupied by objects (furniture,...
How do the interiors impact your mood
How do the interiors impact your mood?
The interiors may impact your mood in many ways. However, in my opinion, there are 4 main factors in the interiors that make your mood better on an exhausting day. 1. Paint Colors can impact your mood The paint color is one of the factors in interiors that impact your mood directly and instantly...
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